Equine America Propell Plus Maintenance Supplement for Horses


Equine America Propell is available online with fast delivery from VioVet, the trusted supplier of veterinary medication, foods and animal care products.


5 reviews for Equine America Propell Plus Maintenance Supplement for Horses

  1. alice robb (2012alice2412)

    Very good product

  2. Rebecca Holland

    I purchased this for an older competition horse who seemed flat and just wasn’t thriving. Since starting he’s put on weight, his coat is starting to shine and he’s got his twinkle back.

  3. Kelly Blumberg

    Great product for a horse which needed a bit of spark this time of year. Am re purchasing!

  4. Vanda Pearce

    Horse is happy to eat it in his feed and seems a lot brighter in himself.

  5. Jayne Grantham

    Georgie has really started to put her weight back on.

    Her energy levels have also increased.

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